Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Life - The Zen Way

Your obstacle is the path
Zen is an effortless path. The path of no resistance. Zen is total surrender to nature. It is accepting all that life throws at you without complaint or resistance. Zen has complete faith that Nature loves you very dearly and will never put you in a situation that is not conducive to your growth. The situations could be unpleasant but eventually are designed to make you stronger, build your character and to help you to reflect on the direction your life is taking. It may also help you to bring out your best qualities such as patience, compassion and empathy. 
Zen usually takes the example of water. You  pour water in a cup, it takes the shape of a cup, you pour it into a jug, it takes the shape of the jug. It never resists, it is not like a stone or ice which cannot fit everywhere. Also when you place a rock in the path of the river, it will not try to uproot it. It will flow over it, under it or around it embracing the rock. Eventually it may slowly cut through the rock.
The same surrender is emphasised in the Upanishadic statement - Tena Vina Trunamapi Na Chalati - meaning Without your will, even a blade of grass won’t move. So all that has happened, is happening and will happen is Divine will. It is by design and not by defect.

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