Yogi is a man of action and Sanyasi is a man of dispassion. Karma Sanyasi is one who renounces all unnecessary actions and engages in action that helps in liberation or one who engages in action dispassionately. A Yogi (man of action) withdraws from the senses and focuses his energy inwards, while a Sanyasi (man of knowledge) having moved beyond the duality of the world contemplates on the non dual self. Both are seeking liberation or freedom from suffering. A Karma Sanyasi is one who drops all unnecessary actions and company and only seeks the company of the Self. He realises that there is no escpae from actions, however all actions are sourced from the Self and thus stays established in non doership as a witness.
Definitons used in the chapter
Yogi - one who is able to withdraw from the transitory external world and establish in the permanent Self. Jitendriya - one whose senses are in control. When the senses are in control the mind is settled. A settled mind moves inward while an agitated mind moves out to senses. A yogi is also a Jitendriya.
Karma yogi - one who is not attached to the outcome of actions and is involved in Yagna, treats all actions as worship
Sanyasi - one who is free from craving and aversion, (Shadan nyasa sanyasaha) - one who has dropped the six deformations
Karma Sanyasa - Dropping all unnecessary actions and focussing all energies in attaining knowledge instead of seeking pleasure.
Yogi is a man of action and Sanyasi is a man of dispassion. Karma Sanyasi is one who renounces all unnecessary actions and engages in action that helps in liberation or one who engages in action dispassionately. A Yogi (man of action) withdraws from the senses and focuses his energy inwards, while a Sanyasi (man of knowledge) having moved beyond the duality of the world contemplates on the non dual self. Both are seeking liberation or freedom from suffering. A Karma Sanyasi is one who drops all unnecessary actions and company and only seeks the company of the Self. He realises that there is no escpae from actions, however all actions are sourced from the Self and thus stays established in non doership as a witness.
Yogi - one who is able to withdraw from the transitory external world and establish in the permanent Self. Jitendriya - one whose senses are in control. When the senses are in control the mind is settled. A settled mind moves inward while an agitated mind moves out to senses. A yogi is also a Jitendriya.
Karma yogi - one who is not attached to the outcome of actions and is involved in Yagna, treats all actions as worship
Sanyasi - one who is free from craving and aversion, (Shadan nyasa sanyasaha) - one who has dropped the six deformations
Karma Sanyasa - Dropping all unnecessary actions and focussing all energies in attaining knowledge instead of seeking pleasure.
Wise - One who realises that everything is one consciousness and all actions are derived from that One, thus becomes a non doer established in witness consciousness. Mind, intellect are different among individuals, but the cosnciousness which nourishes these inner and outer faculties is the same in all, like the same sun brightens all houses.
you say one cannot escape from action and yo also say only when you drop the doer ship you will be liberated
you say knowledge is the best and again you say action is the best
please clear my confusion and tell me which is best for me
The wise know that Karma sanyasi (path of knowledge) and karma yogi (path of action) are complementary and not contradictory. One who does not experience duality acts without being attached to the outcome of the action and a Karma yogi is free from craving and aversion. so there is no difference between the two. If a sanyasi is attached to the fruits of his action, he will never attain peace. once he drops his attachment he will easily be free from bondage. such a wise one who has won over his senses, pure in his heart and sees the same self in every being, does not get attached to his actions. The outcome of path of knowledge and the path of action are both the same. U can choose whichever suits you and follow it sincerely to reach me, but i suggest you follow Karma Yoga.
A man established in knowledge stays a witness in all walks of life - eating, sleeping, talking, working, engaging in the senses etc. He offers all actions to the divine and stays unattached and unaffected to the world just like a drop of water o the lotus leaf. You don’t know what is right or wrong for you as you have a limited vision. Have faith in me and accept what befalls you.
Qualities of a Yogi
A Yogi does all actions pertaining to the senses, mind, intellect and the body without being attached to its outcome. the wise drops the fruit of action and rests in peace, while the ignorant by desire gets bound to the action. Dropping the doer ship in all actions - whether done by himself or by others, he rests in peace in this body.
The Creator does not link the action, actor and the results fo the action, but it is the Gunas that make one behave so. the creator also has no differentiation between the good and the bad or the right and wrong, its only the ignorant who see this difference. But once in the company of the enlighened, this ignorance disappears and the knowledge flourishes like the sun radiates once the cloud moves away.
One whose mind, memory and intellect are established in the self are free from the repetitive cycle of Samasara. Such a wise one full with humility and knowledge sees the same Self in all beings. One who is equanimous in the mind and is not swayed by the attraction of the world, is already established in the Self. The self is equanimous and untainted. one who is dispassionate to the outside world and rejoices in the company of the self, such a blessed soul experiences unending bliss. The pleasures arising from the senses appear to give joy but the joy is transitory and tiring, and ends up giving you pain. the Yogi thus will see no joy in such pleasures. one who is able to overcome the strong influence of lust and anger will rejoice whilst in this body, One who being firmly established in the self rejoices in the self, is liberated. One whose imperfections have become weak, whose doubts have been uprooted and who sees the same self in all beings, such a soul is liberated easily. One with a strong mind who has overcome lust and anger sees the Divine everywhere.
Withdrawing the senses form the the outside world, focusing on the point in between the eyebrows and observing the movement of the Prana through the incoming and outgoing breath at the nostril, one who constantly is engaged in the contemplation of the self and has overcome lust, anger and desire is liberated already.
you say one cannot escape from action and yo also say only when you drop the doer ship you will be liberated
you say knowledge is the best and again you say action is the best
please clear my confusion and tell me which is best for me
The wise know that Karma sanyasi (path of knowledge) and karma yogi (path of action) are complementary and not contradictory. One who does not experience duality acts without being attached to the outcome of the action and a Karma yogi is free from craving and aversion. so there is no difference between the two. If a sanyasi is attached to the fruits of his action, he will never attain peace. once he drops his attachment he will easily be free from bondage. such a wise one who has won over his senses, pure in his heart and sees the same self in every being, does not get attached to his actions. The outcome of path of knowledge and the path of action are both the same. U can choose whichever suits you and follow it sincerely to reach me, but i suggest you follow Karma Yoga.
A man established in knowledge stays a witness in all walks of life - eating, sleeping, talking, working, engaging in the senses etc. He offers all actions to the divine and stays unattached and unaffected to the world just like a drop of water o the lotus leaf. You don’t know what is right or wrong for you as you have a limited vision. Have faith in me and accept what befalls you.
Qualities of a Yogi
A Yogi does all actions pertaining to the senses, mind, intellect and the body without being attached to its outcome. the wise drops the fruit of action and rests in peace, while the ignorant by desire gets bound to the action. Dropping the doer ship in all actions - whether done by himself or by others, he rests in peace in this body.
The Creator does not link the action, actor and the results fo the action, but it is the Gunas that make one behave so. the creator also has no differentiation between the good and the bad or the right and wrong, its only the ignorant who see this difference. But once in the company of the enlighened, this ignorance disappears and the knowledge flourishes like the sun radiates once the cloud moves away.
One whose mind, memory and intellect are established in the self are free from the repetitive cycle of Samasara. Such a wise one full with humility and knowledge sees the same Self in all beings. One who is equanimous in the mind and is not swayed by the attraction of the world, is already established in the Self. The self is equanimous and untainted. one who is dispassionate to the outside world and rejoices in the company of the self, such a blessed soul experiences unending bliss. The pleasures arising from the senses appear to give joy but the joy is transitory and tiring, and ends up giving you pain. the Yogi thus will see no joy in such pleasures. one who is able to overcome the strong influence of lust and anger will rejoice whilst in this body, One who being firmly established in the self rejoices in the self, is liberated. One whose imperfections have become weak, whose doubts have been uprooted and who sees the same self in all beings, such a soul is liberated easily. One with a strong mind who has overcome lust and anger sees the Divine everywhere.
Withdrawing the senses form the the outside world, focusing on the point in between the eyebrows and observing the movement of the Prana through the incoming and outgoing breath at the nostril, one who constantly is engaged in the contemplation of the self and has overcome lust, anger and desire is liberated already.
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