The effort to return to the present moment is practice and one who engages in this practice diligently is a Yogi or Sadhak. The only way to bring this scattered mind to the present moment is by Practice and Dispassion. It takes considerable time and effort to attain to the fruit of the sadhana. So one should remain committed and patient on the path. If he is unable to accomplish his spiritual goal by the end of this life time, he will carry all the progress that was made into the next life time and start where he had stopped. So no self effort is a waste. It is indeed a great fortune to be born in a family that supports spiritual growth and to attain the company of the wise and the scriptures. A Sadhak through his comittment, effort and devotion achieves the ability to remain in the present. Such a Sadhak is more advanced than those involved in penance, a scholar or a ritualist.
Arjuna says - It is nice to hear about being equanimous, however the mind being very fickle and strong, constantly overpowers me, and I find it extremely difficult to get the mind under control.
Krishna says - Mind is indeed fickle and difficult to overcome, but its not impossible. You can manage the mind by Practice and Dispassion. Unless you are able to manage your mind through self effort, it is impossible to be steady.
Arjuna asks - If a person who starts on the path of Yoga and at some point due to lack of discipline, gets distracted, and is unable to attain to the steadiness of the mind what type of rebirth will he attain? will all his effort be a waste?
Krishna says - Any effort on the path is never a waste. Depending on his progress, first he will spend sufficient time with the wise in the other worlds and then is born in the house conducive to his spiritual progress. This type of life where one is interested in spirituality and has someone to guide him is not easy to attain. The fruits of his previous efforts will stay with him as Sanskaras (impressions) and attract him towards spirituality. He will strive even harder in this life to attain to the Brahman by following the words of the wise and scriptures. Depending on his commitment to the path, he will attain mastery over the mind in no time.
The Yogi who is committed to the path and rests his mind in Me in all walks of life is indeed my favourite. A Yogi is higher than a Tapasvi, is higher than a scholar, is higher
than one who is engaged in Yagna, so strive to become a Yogi.
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