Monday, 26 August 2019


Acceptance is dropping all resistance to what is, and not creating negativity out of a situation. You don’t need to accept the life situation, but it is important you accept the inevitability of the moment and wait patiently for the tide to turn. When you stand fully in the moment you notice that the life situation that is bothering you has already happened, it can’t be changed, but you cannot let go; or you are imagining the repercussions of the situation, which you will have to encounter in the future. This awareness of the situation brings you here to this moment,  where there is actually nothing to do. The situation arose by itself, will pan out in whatever way it is supposed to be. Your resistance or the desire to fix only makes you identified with your role in the situation or creates a false sense of control which you anyway don’t have. Being in the moment, you realise that life is happening to you and irrespective of what you do, it will end up the way it is supposed to. It is none of your business to try to fix it. Let go, witness and you will see that the situation has already started to change. Act, don’t react, and let every action be followed by at least a moment of intense presence.

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