Friday, 26 July 2019

Chapter 4 - Karma and Akarma

Actions bring merit or demerit (heaven and hell/ fortune and misfortune)but do not bring freedom. True freedom is only attained by non action or Akarma.

It is impossible to live in the world and not engage in action. The wise realise that the entire consciousness is dynamic and full of action. They also realise that the actions and the outcomes are complex, unpredictable; and is out of their control. Knowing that they are only responsible for the actions and its intentions and not the outcome, they  engage in the actions purely as a witness. The ignorant however think they are in control and thereby engage in actions as the doer. The doer reacts to the outcome generating impressions (Karma); and the impressions trigger further actions and impressions, thereby propogating the cycle. In due time, most actions of the ignorant are just reactions or compulsive actions based on the impressions of past actions (habits). Habits bind you to the world and take away your freedom. The life of repetitive and unconscious actions is called Samsara or bondage. The actions of the wise though are born out of awareness and spontaneity, and are thus in true essence - non actions (Akarma). Any action which is done as an offering without an attitude of Me or myness does not create an impression. The realization that all actions indeed flow from Brahman and I am a mere instrument  brings freedom from the effects of the actions. Actions bring merit or demerit depending on the intention and the outcome of the actions and thereby result in pleasure or pain; further triggering craving, anger or fear; which are the main cause of suffering. Non actions do not generate any impressions and are associated with neither merit nor demerit. 

By engaging in knowledge, the wise realise that all actions are dependent on the dominant Guna at the time. Their effort is thus on just increasing the sattva and keeping the purity of the inner faculties. They achieve this by engaging in Yagnas.
Yagna is the action as prescribed by the scriptures. Though Yagna is selfless in intention, it always brings good merit even without desiring. Yagnas are the only actions worth being engaged in. Yagnas can be of various types - Sadhana, Seva, Satsang - and one can engage in any suitable type on their path to liberation. 

When we move away from our nature (Dharma), we move away from bliss. Whenever the collective consciousness moves away from light towards darkness, the divine manifests with a name and form as enlightened beings to bring back the light and restore order.

This knowledge, i have previously given to Sun who then gave it to his son Manu who passed it on to Ikshvaaku and so on for generations. somehow somewhere along the line, it was missed out. Because you are so dear to me, I am giving this beautiful knowledge to you. we both have been here many times, i remember it all, but you don’t. Though i am beyond name and form, yet when necessary i influence nature and appear with name and form. Whenever people start moving away from their very nature (Dharma), when the Sattva in the world decreases and people get immersed in suffering, I incarnate out of compassion to the ignorant and to establish order. By reestablishing knowledge and trouncing ignorance, i restore Dharma again and again bringing back order in creation and celebration in life.

I love the awakened and the wise who realise that i am beyond name and form and an infinite principle. Being purified in the fire of knowledge and thereby free from anger, fear and craving they reach me. Such people, by constantly keeping me in their awareness, become like me. Just like they are crazy about me, I too am crazy about my devotees. Those interested in Sidhis, just need to worship the Devatas sincerely, and they will attain the Siddhis easily.

Karma and Akarma

in spite of doing many things to maintain order such as creating the caste system and playing many roles, i still am not a doer. As i am not attached to the fruits of my actions, my actions do not carry any impressions. my focus is on the intentions and not the outcome. And those wise men who act in the same way get freed from Karma.The ways are Karma are vey complex and unfathomable. Even scholars sometimes get confused by its ways. it is important to understand - what is Karma, What is Akarma

One who sees action in inaction and inaction in action is wise. Realising that there is no freedom from action, he engages himself in constant action as a witness with out a sense of doership or any desires for himself. The impressions of such actions perish in the fire of knowledge. Dropping the results for the action, one who stays content and non dependent on the world, (in spite of being engaged in constant action), remains a non doer. One who is not swayed by the senses and has kept his inner faculties pure, the actions of such a desireless person, will not accumulate any sin. One who is content with what has been provided without seeking, one who is free from jealousy and is beyond dualities, and is not bothered about prosperity, is not bound by action; one who doesn’t crave for company, one whose intellect is firmly established in knowledge and one whose actions are inspired by Yagna, his actions  just dissolve. The wise one who whilst engaged in Yagna (action prescribed by the scriptures) realises that the offerer, the offering, the fire to which the offering is made and the fruit of the offering are all indeed Brahman, his actions also do not stand.

Some treat worshiping the divine as Yagna, some consider seeking knowledge as Yagna, some others consider restraint over senses as Yagna, others consider charity as Yagna, some others consider Yoga as Yagna, some others consider self reflection and some others difficult vows, and some restraint of the Prana.  Through all these Yagnas, one can burn the impressions of the actions. By engaging in selfless Yagna, the wise go beyond actions and reach me, while the rest continue to suffer. Many types of Yagnas are prescribed by the scriptures, you follow whichever suits with sincerity and be free from Karma.

The power of knowledge and Satsang
The fire of knowledge is the most powerful in freeing you from Karma. By surrendering to the wise and serving them with humility, you can receive this knowledge. By engaging in knowledge you become established as a witness, first realising that the entire creation is no different from you and then it all arises from me. Even if you have committed grave sins, the fire of knowledge can get you across, by burning the seeds of all Karma, just like fire burns away the camphor. One who has restrained the senses, one who is sincere with his Sadhana and has faith in the divine will instantly find peace. one who lacks discrimination, discipline and faith reels in doubt and doubt verily destroys the soul (Sanshayaatma vinashyati) creating intense restlessness and unending misery. Having eliminated the roots of doubt by the fire of knowledge, the wise perform the actions as i have thus prescribed without being bound by the effects of the actions. Cut through the doubt created by ignorance with the sword of discrimination and staying equanimous, fight for the cause of Dharma.

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