Saturday, 24 August 2019

Chapter 10 - The Divine

Vibhuti Yoga
Bhuti means treasure or wealth. vibhuti is a special wealth. Knowledge of the Self or the reality of existence is indeed a Vibhuti. There is a pot or a cup. it has two parts - the material which the cup is made up of and the space which the cup holds. usually the cup is valued based on the material but no one values the space. In fact, the value of the space doesn’t change even if the cup is destroyed, the space remains. And if you look closely all material comes from the space itself and dissolves into the space. That space is Divine, Brahman. Connection with the material is bondage and connection with the space is liberation. Divinity pervades everything, is present in everything and everything stays and dissolves in it. The best of the best and the worst of the worst in existence is all its intention or sankalpa. This divinity manifests in a tangible form in a Guru, in an enlightened being. Such pure beings reflect divinity in its entirety. They are aware of everything, stay a witness and work through intuition. Company of the enlightened is uplifting and comforting. its indeed a great privilege to be in such company and when such company is sought, and surrendered to, the same divinity stars reflecting in the seeker too.

I am incomprehensible - even to the kings and sages and angels. I thus mostly stay unknown and one who knows Me in my essence, is freed from ignorance and suffering. Every quality expressed in the beings of this creation is my will. There is nothing beyond me and I encompass everything. I am the Ganga among rivers, Narada among munis, Brigu among maharishis, Samaved among vedas, indra among devas, Shiva in the Rudram, prana in the beings, Kubera among rich, Brihaspati among priests, skanda among commanders, ocean among water bodies, Aum among sounds, Himalaya among mountains, Iravata among elephants,
lion among animals, Kamadenu among cows, Garuda among birds, king among people, diamond among weapons,  Yama among executioners, Arjuna among pandavas, vyasa among scholars, Gayatri among mantras, spring among seasons, Brahma Vidya (self knowledge) among Knowledge. I am the skill of the manipulators, influence of the influential; Sattva of the satvic, strength of the strong, will of the victors, silence of secrets and wisdom of the wise.  I am the beginning, middle and the end. I am the source of birth and death. Ignorant consider me as a mere mortal like themselves. Know me and surrender to me and me alone as there is nothing beyond me.

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