Friday, 12 February 2016

Seeing Life as Energy

Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra says Jyothishmati Bhava - Become a glow of energy. 

There is life and there are life situations. I am rich, i am poor, i am sad, i am happy, i am clever, i am in trouble, I am happily married ….. all these are life situations. Life is just I am… What binds us to the world is what follows the I am. Just I am liberates. It is impossible to tackle all the life situations, but it is easy to handle Life. Understanding life as a play of energy helps us enormously.

On the Scale of Aliveness, when the life energy or Prana is at its peak, you experience bliss. As the energy level starts dropping you move down to enthusiasm, then boredom, then apathy, then anger and frustration and finally depression. When we are born, we are at the top of this scale and as we grow older, we move further down. Yes of course our life situations and the way we handle those situations play a big role in our energy levels moving up or down. There is a clever way of managing our life - that is by attending to the life energy rather than the life situations so that irrespective of what the situation we are in, we are able to be centred and undisturbed. How to do this? First understand that there 4 main sources of energy - Food, Rest (sleep and meditation), Breath, and Knowledge ( Happy mind). When you attend to these 4 sources effectively, you are able to replenish your Prana in no time and feel fresh and elevated. We are unhappy because we constantly lose our energy by worrying, by talking and through overindulgence in sensory pleasures. Spending our vital life energy without knowing how to replenish will lead to us to be in the lower levels on the scale of aliveness. Just wake up and see, everything is changing. And one day soon, you are going to die and disappear.  

Stop worrying. Come out of the rigid perceptions and see life as a play of energy.

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