By law of physics, force is needed to overcome inertia of an object at rest to set it into motion. The initial force that is needed to overcome the inertia is quite significant as you change the state of the object from rest to motion. Once the inertia is overcome, only a small amount of force is needed to maintain motion and once a critical speed is attained, no external force is needed, the momentum carries it forward. It's the same with anything including practices. You might have noticed that the most difficult thing to do when the alarm rings in the morning is to just get up from the bed. Once that is done, all other actions follow almost automatically. Same with exercise. Same with spiritual practices. The only real effort that is needed is to overcome the initial inertia (Tamas) - to transform potential energy into kinetic energy.
If you are able to motivate yourself to overcome the inertia of the mind for the first two weeks, it will help you to attain the 40 day goal and once you hit 40 days, it will continue on its own. What i have noticed is that, it is helpful when you have a buddy or a group that are motivated to carry on with the practices and especially if you take responsibility to moderate the group. My Sadhana was most regular when I was moderating our group Sadhana.
Art of Living have an app called Sattva which is a tracker for spiritual practices. It is free to download and keeps a record of your practice. Also there is an abundance of resources for Pranayama, meditation and chants to help you have a variety in the practice.
So download the app and let's Just keep our practices going.
For our own happiness!!
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