Thursday, 20 June 2019

Chapter 15 - Purushottama Yoga

Vedas are the insights of the enlightened. these sages being compassionate have provided solutions to every being no matter what their state of mind or evolution of consciousness is. The vedas are broadly divided into two aspects - one for the worldly man who seeks prosperity in the world. This ritualistic part fo the veda is called Karma Kanda and deals with Dharma and Karma. it also states the limitations of these as they can only lead you to pleasure or pain or heaven or hell. Pleasure also can become a bondage as described in various stories of the Devas in the Puranas. To one who sees this world inspite of all its pleasures as a bondage and misery and longs for freedom, to him they prescribe the knowledge part of the Vedas called Gnana Kanda. Purushottama Yoga belongs to the Gnana Kanda fo the Vedas.

Purusha literally means Being. This chapter of the Gita enlightens the Essence of Being. Being is that which IS, it is Present & continuous. It indicates Now and the Dynamism of Consciousness.

In creation, there is the seen and the unseen. the seen is the world which is the reflection of the unseen or the self. The ignorant mistake the seen as the only reality while the wise move beyond the seen towards the unseen. The trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits of the tree are all seen while the source or life of the tree which are the roots remain hidden. Krishna starts this chapter by describing an Inverted Peepal Tree with its roots spread in the sky - indicating that the root or source of existence is infinite. Unseen is the source of the seen. Unseen has infinite potential.The seen tree is the world -Samsara- that has grown by the water of the 3 gunas and is held strongly by the mud of ego, attachment and Vasana. 
The unseen can only be realised by the one who reflects on the scriptures and is firmly established in the Asanga/ dispassion or witness consciousness.

The consciousness for the sake of understanding can be said to be in two states - the unmanifested and the manifested - also called as Purusha and Prakriti in general terms. The unmanifested consciousness can be further divided into the contented consciousness (Brahman) and the consciousness with the desire to express (Purusha). the same concept is provided by Krishna by naming these three aspects of consciousness as kshara, akshara and uttama purusha

Kshara - Prakriti (iphone)
Akshara - Purusha/Jeevatma (icloud)
Uttama - Brahman / Paramatma (Apple)

The first two are only relevant in the waking state while the Uttama pervades all the states. One who understands and surrenders to this Uttama Purusha is called Purushottama 

Where is my abode
My abode is beyond the world. logic and mind do not function here. My abode is  where once one reaches does not return (become worldly). My abode is self sufficient, and doesn’t need Sun to brighten up or Moon to cool or fire to heat or support Life

How do I express myself
In everything seen & unseen. in the outer world i am nature and in the inner world, I am seen as the Jeevatma (individual soul). As a Jeevatma, I perceive and experience the world through the mind and the five senses. Just like the blowing wind carries with it the fragrance of the flower leaving the flower behind, the jeevatma carries the impressions of the world from the senses leaving the body behind.

I am in every aspect of creation and am responsible for every act of creation. I am the source of all life and I am essence of all creation. I am the fire in sun, coolness in the moon and am established in the heart of all beings as Urja. I support life through Prana, unburden through Apana and digest through Samana. Everything runs through me, I am memory and I am forgetfulness . I am success and I am failure as well. I am hunger and I am satiety as well. Your role in this world is just being a witness. Do not become engaged ( Lipt) in the world. Become Nirlipt, Asang and a witness.

Who realises me

One who with pure Anthah Karana - mind, intellect, memory and ego  - makes sincere self effort will only realise me. If the inner faculties are not pure, no amount of effort will lead to me. Sadhana without dispassion or devotion will not help in reaching me.

How do I become a Purushottama?
by fulfilling the following

Nirmana moha Jita sanga dosha 
Adhyatma nitya Vinivritta kamyaaha 
Dwandwair vimyktha Sukh dukh sangaihi 
Gachanti amudha Padam avyayam tat 

Nirmana moha (Indifferent to Status (Maan)
Jita sanga dosha ( overcoming bad company or poor associations)
Adhyatma nitya - constantly relflecting on the knowledge of the real vs unreal (viveka)
Vinivritta kamyaaha - non feverish about desires
Dwandwair vimykthas -  no dual
Sukh dukh sangaihi - gets along the intensities of life such as pleasure and pain
Gachanti amudha Padam avyayam tat - such as wise one gets to walk on the path of infinity towards me.

Hey Anasuya, 
I have thus told you the secret of Life and my abode. One who follows my direction will remain free from misery and be ever grateful.

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