Patanjali in the Yogasutras gives methods to overcome the tendencies of the mind.
One way is the way of Action - by Abhyasa (practice) and Vairagya (dispassion). Practice is that stabilises you in the present moment and Dispassion is the ability to let go, to not to be perturbed or attached to the results of the action.
The second way is by devotion or surrendering to the Lord or Ishwar.
Who is Lord?
That consciousness which is free from Karma and Klesha (suffering) is Ishwara
How do you experience the Lord?
through the Turiya
we usually are familiar with three states of consciousness
- Waking - mind fully awake and dominant, world is prominent and real
- Asleep - mind absent ; absence of the world
- Dreaming - mind weakly awake, experience a different world
There is a fourth level which is a neither awake nor asleep or dreaming OR it is a bit awake, a bit asleep and a bit dreaming. This state of transit is called Turiya - the fourth state. This is also the state of meditation/ Sudarshan Kriya. It is said that you meet GOD in this state. This state is also experienced in the few twilight moments just after waking up or just before slipping into sleep. Also if fully alert, this can be experienced at the transit between inspiration and expiration.
How do you address the Lord?
By chanting the soundless sound that indicates and includes the infinity within it - AUM
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