Thursday, 31 December 2015

Nothing Matters

What is important in life? Really nothing is important. As Osho says – Life is utterly meaningless. Trying to find a purpose in life is futile. Life is only to be lived – to be explored, to be experienced. Actions or their results are unimportant, but from where the actions are done, from what state of mind we do what we do is very important. This awareness when it dawns we move from being a doer to to being a witness. This is big jump and when it dawns you don’t get caught up in action. Krishna’s words of "you are entitled only to actions but not to the results" starts making sense as you relax in your actions fully aware that whether the results are facourable or not is unimportant. All great innovations in life have happened not in a state of contstant doing or thinking state but in a state of utter relaxation or let go. That’s why coffee room meetings are so much more useful than board room ones!

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