Wednesday 17 February 2016

Evolution of consciouness

The stages of evolution of consciousness are from Disturbance to Peace to Happiness to Love and finally Freedom. Most humanity is distracted and disturbed with too much Rajas. As you settle into spiritual practices and adopt healthier and conducive lifestyles, Rajas is tamed and you experience more peace. As you progress further, happiness adds on to the peace. When you are able to let go of the desire for happiness, Divine Love - the ability to experience and express unconditional love - dawns and when you are not seeking divine love either, freedom ensues. Love brings attachment and obligations, and can restrict you. When you are able to be detach yourself from obligation - Liberation ensues. Dispassion or Vairagya is the highest attribute as there is no freedom without Dispassion. Remembrance of the impermanence of everything , awareness of your own death  and company of the enlightened all help in attaining Dispassion

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