Many think that to be successful you need to be competitive. When we live with this notion, we see & experience competition everywhere - at school, at work, in social groups & sometimes even within family. Competition brings jealousy, insecurity, fear and the desire to dominate. It breeds exclusiveness & pumps the ego. Growth in this environment is difficult & slow. And when it happens, it is usually at the expense of others.
When you invest in harmony rather than competition, you experience friendship, inclusiveness, trust and security. In this environment you are supporting yourselves by supporting others. The collective energy makes growth fast and effortless. Individual ego expands to a collective ego. With harmony comes a sense of belongingness. With belongingness comes responsibility and with responsibility comes strength.
So how to develop belongingness? You cannot. When the stress in the system is reduced, when the restless mind become quiet through meditation, people appear friendly and supportive; and belongingness automatically increases. Meditation increases the sensitivity to suffering so there is a willingness to attend to pain and to do everything to alleviate suffering of oneself and others
Remember whenever you are not experiencing harmony, you are in the grip of ego. In competition there is only one winner, while in harmony everyone is a winner.